Friday, December 18, 2020

2020 SJL

 Hi Blogger,

Today I did number two of SJL.It was that you have do is make your owe Haiku poems then you upload it in to your PNG File but I did different way then you post it in your blog.

Her is what I did.


  1. Hey Aarna,

    I’m Daniel from the SLJ Blog commenting team. I’m looking forward to seeing all your amazing blog posts and I hope you’re enjoying your summer too.

    Great subject choice for your Haiku, What made you think of it? Are there Lavenders near where you are? I have a line on lavender plants along the outside wall of my house but they aren't too fragrant at the moment as they need watering,

    You’ve made a good start on your haiku poem but it’d be great if you could have another look at the activity instructions and maybe check out the video that’s there. You have remembered the 5,7,5 format but it’s talking about how many syllables (the beats of the words) not how many words are in each line. For example the sentence ‘Climbing the Mountain” has 3 words but 5 syllables.

    I’d love to see what else you come up with if you give this task another go,
    See you later in the comments.


    1. Hi Daniel,
      Thank you for commenting me and feedback.

  2. Hey my name is Kali,
    I really like your poem you made. Next time you should try making it a different font so it could stand out better which makes it easier to read. This reminded me of when I did this task. I wish you the best!

    Nga mihi,


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