Friday, September 25, 2020

My film

 Complete your blog reflection on the film making process

Explain the steps. 

Reflection: Film Festival

How did you feel about the film making process and why?

I feel really happy about the film making process and why because

It is really fun to read the Script. 

What did you enjoy? I enjoy doing my film and doing camera rules.   

What did you learn? I learn that it is really hard to film. 

What was challenging? The thing that was challenging is that you have to say loud and don't laugh. 

If you could go back in time to the beginning of the term, what would you do differently? I would go with a nice script.  

What advice would you give to someone creating a film next year? I will help the group tell Them how to do film. 

Use the label: Film Festival

Friday, September 18, 2020

Feed The Whanau

 Hi bloggers, 

Today we did cooking at school and we cooked pasta and received a Goodie bag, it was really fun! Later we made a card to thank the people.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Te reo Maori language week(Pepha)

 Hello bloggers,
Today is Te Reo language week so I recorded
Myself saying my Pepha for Te Reo Language
Week hope you enjoy.

Monday, September 7, 2020

First Day back at school

 Hi bloggers

Today I am going to be telling you how I feel about being back at school. So I feel good because I get to see my friends and my wonderful teachers. I am more excited to see the rest of my class too. Thanks for checking out how my day back to school is !!!